hrm quiz11

  1. One reason for falling union membership in recent years is that __________
    1. Legislation protects workers in a way that was once only offered by the unions
    2. Unions have been seen as largely ineffectual
    3. Union membership is too expensive
    4. Manufacturers will not hire union members
    5. Union members earn less on average compared to non-union members

    1. All of the following types of organizations are covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act except __________
      1. Federal agencies
      2. Hospitals
      3. Schools
      4. Self-employed persons
      5. Manufacturing facilities

      1. There is fairly strong evidence that traits can predict _________ more accurately than leadership effectiveness
        1. Leadership emergence
        2. Extraversion in leaders
        3. Leadership awareness
        4. Leadership competence
        5. The conscientiousness of leaders

        1. Which one of the following is not implied in the definition of power?
          1. Influence
          2. Potential
          3. Dependency
          4. Actualization
          5. Capacity

          1. The conflict-handling intention of accommodating is ________
            1. assertive and uncooperative
            2. assertive and cooperative
            3. unassertive and uncooperative
            4. unassertive and cooperative
            5. reflective and emotional

            1. Which department enforces the standards set out in the Occupational Safety and Health Act?
              1. Department of Health Services
              2. Department of Labor
              3. Department of Defense
              4. Department of Financial Services
              5. Economic Development Department

              1. Family issues, economic problems, and personality characteristics are examples of the __________ factor of potential stress
                1. Social
                2. Environmental
                3. Personnel
                4. Psychological
                5. Personal

                1. The ___________ form of union security means that it is up to the workers whether or not they join the union and only those who join must pay dues.
                  1. Closed shop
                  2. Union shop
                  3. Agency shop
                  4. Open shop
                  5. Maintenance of agreement

                  1. The dimension of assertiveness refers to situations ________
                    1. in which one party attempts to satisfy his/her own concerns
                    2. in which there is an expression of competition
                    3. involving a major behavior change
                    4. that lead to conflict
                    5. in which one party behaves generously

                    1. Which of the following benefits could be awarded as workers' compensation?
                      1. Cash benefit
                      2. Medical services
                      3. Time off with pay
                      4. Time off without pay
                      5. a and b